
Course Description

Eligible Renewing Notaries are required to take a 3-hour state-approved notary education course, the official notary exam and be Livescan fingerprinted every four
years. Your commission must be current to be eligible for the three-hour course otherwise, sign up for our six-hour Become a Notary class. 

This seminar will update you on new notary law and refresh your memory on notary rules and regulations to prep you for the exam. Class includes the state notary exam.

For those students who need to take just the notary exam. You must preregister with MiraCosta College Community Education. A six-hour, approved course must be completed before a student is eligible to take the notary exam.

Bring the following with you to the test:

1) Proper ID
• A driver's license or state DMV ID card
• A Canadian or Mexican driver's license
• U.S. passport/passport card or passport/ passport card issued by a foreign government
• A U.S. military ID Card
2) 2 x 2 color passport photo of yourself that will be stapled to your application (available at Walgreens, CVS, etc.)
3) #2 sharpened pencil
4) Exam fee $40 check or money order made payable to Secretary of State


Supplies: A $45 supply fee will be collected in class that includes materials and seat of exam.
Enroll Now - Select a section and enroll
Section Title
Notary Public-Renewing Notaries
12:45PM to 6:00PM
Apr 05, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

Supplies: A $35 materials fee and $10 sitting fee for private exam will be collected in class (book will be provided).


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