
Course Description

This 6-hour course is aimed at guiding aspiring entrepreneurs on how to start a drone business. The course will arm participants with the tools to conduct market research, assess the competition, and identify lucrative opportunities in their local area. We will help you develop your business plan!


  • FAA 107 Trust Certification.
  • 100% Attendance Requirement
  • Agreement to follow all MiraCosta and CDC COVID protocols.
  • Complete application by clicking here --> Work Skills Application.
  • Upon approval of the Work Skills Application, students will receive an email outlining the next steps: which will include a discussion about your career goals.
  • After prerequisites are completed, students will be notified by email of their acceptance into the program.


Work Skills Application

Application must be completed and reviewed by MiraCosta College Technology Career Institute staff prior to acceptance into the program.  If you need assistance with the application, please CALL (760)757-2121 ext. 6528.

Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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